Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Future Mental & Spiritual Development

Different meditations are unique and it depends on what you want to achieve. What do you need to improve or heal today? If I am feeling sick or my energy is low, I would use Subtle Mind or chakra meditations. If I feel happy, I may use Universal Loving-Kindness meditation. My goals for "mental fitness" are quite my mind, use visual thinking often, and connect to Akashic records.

To quit my mind, I will eliminate controllable noises, such as house and car music, find quieter places outside, and use noise blocking headphone at work. Once, maybe a year ago, I had silent mind for 10 minutes at my job (people were talking and music was played). I realized it soon after I began think again, that my mental activity was still, only nice melody played in my mind.

To achieve visualize thinking; we have to stop mental chattering. I never had problems with visualization, but if somebody experience difficulties they should begin to develop artistic abilities, like drawing, sculpturing, and maybe photography. You have to see the final product before you begin to work on your masterpiece. Look at different arts, pictures, and learn colors. Visualize thinking saves a lot of mental energy, it is like getting answers in zip file with feelings.

My big wish is to connect to Akshic records, but not suddenly. Everybody can accesses the information in Akashic records, but only limited people who can control the access. I will use Golden Light meditation to achieve my goal.  

I would like to warn people who developing themselves through different integral and spiritual approaches to never quit. The reason is that people who develop their mind, body, and spirit start glow like a light in the dark, and it attracts different entities who like to get some free energy. If person continue developing than he increase energy level and gets higher vibration. He begin to shine brighter and entities could not stand the higher vibrations and leave person alone. If person doing sometimes and really never serious about it , he actually spends more energy to feed entities, develops negative and judgmental attitude toward mental and spiritual exercises. I do not want to scare anybody but want people to know about it and be strong and continue their development.


Unknown said...

I agree that I choose the meditation that fits my current health and mental state at the time. I think the subtle mind meditation is great for many feelings. I will also use the loving kindness practice. I view most creative outlets as a form of meditation. When I am drawing, I often forget the time and what is going on around me.I get in a zone as you described with a very quiet mind.

Unknown said...

Good evening Renata,
Insightful blog post. I enjoyed meditation practices such as transcendental which are a natural simple technique; with transcendental meditation individuals silently repeat a personally assigned mantra such as a word, sound o phrase in a specific way. This form of meditation allows the individuals body to settle into a state of profound relaxation and resting state in order to achieve a state of inner peace without needing to use concentration. Loving kindness was also a great practice that allowed me to open my heart and concentrate on a person I loved or love and find a sense of peace and positive energy in order to achieve conscious awareness while training my mind. I incorporate meditation and loving kindness daily because it is effective and does not take much time to complete and it helps me to eliminate any negative thoughts that will cause stress to occur. Have a great day.


L Lautz said...

I agree that it depends on the day, in order to decide what meditation I will use. This is a good point. Each day a different need arises that needs to be address, whether it be general stress, a family problem, or a spiritual problem that I am facing. These various meditations can be applied to the specific problem of the day.

Unknown said...

Hi RC! Wonderful post this week, I just love how you key on the things that make these exercises important to you. I love how you describe all the differences you have come across and all the different ways you connect our thinking processes to everyday life. I also love how much of yourself you actually put into these posts each week. Its almost like I'm getting to know you through all your thoughts and experiences with this class, which I particularly enjoy. Once again, Great post RC I look forward to next weeks writing!