Saturday, December 13, 2014

Creating Wellness

When we started to live in digital age, humanity felt depressed, disconnected, and unhappy. New diseases began to accrue in the population. New medicine were developed but healing was achieved only temporarily. Many scientists, doctors, and ill people were looking for answers of how to achieve health and gain happiness. The answers for healing and happiness were in Eastern and Far Eastern cultures that were developed and implemented over millions of years. Now we are trying to adapt a new holistic approach into the modern healthcare system. The healthcare system began to recognize the importance of the healing not only the physical body, but also the spiritual and psychological aspects of the body.

New levels of medical practitioners were trained and they learned the Eastern philosophy of healing the whole person to promote happiness. Wellness professionals learned and exercised the integral approaches into their lives so they can be spiritually open, teach and be willing to serve others. As a future wellness professional, I am learning and developing myself into the Eastern way of thinking. The development o physical, spiritual, and psychological aspects is a never ending process and it is always evolving with my maturity. I am constantly acquiring new goals as soon as exiting goals have been achieved.

To set my goals, I have to evaluate my current health. I will begin with an assessment of my physical, spiritual, and psychological well-being. I will rate them on the scale from 1 to 10 to identify which aspects needs the most attention.

Physical-9 I have ideal body weight, my body free of the diseases and I can move freely without pain. I have transitioned to vegan food by avoiding meat, dairy, and baked products. Now my body have more energy that saved from excessive cooking, chewing, and digesting.

 Spiritual-7 I still react to some situations and people that trigger my emotions. Most of the time I am aware of my emotions. I try to stay away from sins, such as gossiping, overeating, anger, horror and war movies. To be open-minded and understandable to other's beliefs, I have studied different religions to appreciate a multidimensional God and his loving messages to humanity through different Bibles. Since I live on Earth and have to evolve around humans and nature, I try to follow human, nature, and cosmic laws.

Psychological-8 I am still exploring the possibilities of my mind and trying to separate ego from spiritual thinking. I use mind based exercises, such as meditations, relaxations, and breathing, to help me deal with everyday stress.

Physical- learn self-help techniques and incorporate into my daily routines and then teach others.

Spiritual- elevate my spiritual vibration that will help me to connect to divine powers.

Psychological- learn more about alpha, beta, and theta states.

Physical health- yoga exercises and movements that use body weight only. Eat one uncooked meal a day.

Psychological health- meditations, relaxations, and guided imagery.

Spiritual health- kindness and gratefulness practices toward people, nature, and God.

When we decide that it is time to change old, damaging routings to healthy living, our mind may not agree with the decision. Our minds keep brining us back to the old routines because the mind was trained for many years to do certain thinks automatically. The brain is a muscle and to learn something new we have to repetitively perform the same action over and over again until it became an automatic process. to help achieve my new goals I will use notes, explain my mission to family and friends, and find a mentor. Also, repetition of new routines help to reprogram my mind and it would be easy to achieve my goals.



Unknown said...

Renata, I enjoyed reading your final assessment and your quotes were perfect. I also eat plant based and find that I have great energy. Experimenting with my diet has always been a passion of mine, as I seek to find what works best for my body.

Dawn Brommer said...


You are on such an amazing path toward human flourishing. I love the quotes that you put in your blog...take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live in): I love your idea of finding a mentor. you can't do all of this alone. I also admire that you take such good care of your body through a vegan diet. I'm continuing to struggle with sugar addictions to carbohydrates etc....Thank you for inspiring me to eat better and maintain an idea body weight.


Unknown said...


I really enjoyed your blog this week! Your post was powerful, graphics were so appropriate and the pointers/tips you gave was spot on!

Often times when we think about improving our health, we immediately resort to healing the physical aspects but the holistic approach is what we need to incorporate in our own lives and teach others.

This course has really expanded my knowledge in so many ways and I am sure it has done the same for you.

Heather said...

I truly enjoyed your blog this week! All of your blogs were inspiring. I loved the pictures and inspiration on this one. You are definitely in a clear path to flourishing body, mind, and spirit! It is a never ending journey and best of luck in yours!!!

Unknown said...

I think you are spot on when you mention that we are moving forward with the introduction of the technology age. It seems that no matter what we are always looking for the bigger fish or the latest bait. By using methods that have been proven time after time as can get back to a balanced life - even if science is lagging to prove the benefits of the practice.

eddiejohnson1 said...

1.Values can be a rich source of leader effectiveness data. Most values and personality measures lack validity evidence. Most organizations consider financial performance the number on indicator of leader effectiveness, focusing solely on financial outcome.
In your opinion, how valuable are financial outcomes in measuring effective leadership? Explain what should be measured? How should we interpret these measures to organizational goals?
1.A team’s success is solely possible because the dedication and consistent hard work of its members. Therefore, the best quality indicators of any team are the values that its members adhere to.
Choose (3) three of the team values described in Chapter 15. Explain why you as a leader subscribe to these specific values. How can you predict the future of your team?

Unknown said...

Hi RC, I loved your final project post and the amount of in depth detail you presented us with. Like I've said before I enjoy the realness you employ when you do your assignments, you give the pure essence of what it is to be a blog writer and connecting with your readers. I for one am a very spiritual person when it comes to my belief and God and you directly connected to me there! I have enjoyed reading your posts over the past few weeks and I definitely think you should continue blogging, whether on these type of topics or another. Its been great getting to know you through your writing! I wish you the best in all you pursue!

Unknown said...

Hi Renata,

I loved reading your blog; it was very creative and original. I agree with you in regards to taking care of our body because it is the only place to live in. I don't think individuals know how serious it is to keep the body pure and healthy especially maintaining mental health and well-being because the mind controls everything and is individuals whole existence. If the psychological state is not healthy then it's like a catastrophic effect on the physical and spiritual existence. Individuals are what they eat, how they think and how they live; if one lives healthy by eating nutrient-dense foods, exercising regularly, eliminating alcohol or drug use, staying positive with their thoughts they are then incorporating healthy lifestyles which can be beneficial to the longevity of their health. If individuals are doing the opposite of that then their health will deteriorate and human flourishing cannot exist. Great Blog Renata, have a wonderful week, and good luck with the completion of your degree.
