Saturday, December 20, 2014

Summary of 10 Weeks Eperience

By looking back at my personal assessment when I gave scores to my psychological (8), physical (9), and spiritual (7) well-being, I would say that my score for physical aspect went down to 6 or 7. It changed because during the winter time my body experienced minor colds, I stopped exercising regularly, eat fresh fruits, and I am dehydrated my body up too 45% only. Due to these changes I feel lazy, sometimes experience strange symptoms (I am in the process to find the cause), and my stool consistency has changed.

The goals and activities that I set seven weeks ago are still on my to do list. I did not progress toward to achieve any of them. I guess I am still waiting for the right and less busy time to begin to incorporate them into my daily routine.

My personal experience throughout the Integral Health course expended my knowledge, which will help me in the future in my personal and professional journey. This knowledge will help me to assist others by putting different exercises, mental workouts, and spiritual workshops together into one few or more weeks intervention program.


Unknown said...

HI Risha,
I guess you may have to start working on your physical abilities. I thought the class was great, i think it will help us in the long run to be better at whatever we do.


Heather said...

I agree Risha in the winter it is very hard physically to stay on track. I am definitely more motivated when we have light outside and nice weather. But I guess where there is a will there is a way. I love the Path to Wellness chart you shared! I am going to keep this and read often. Best of luck in all your endeavors!

Unknown said...

Hey Risha, like you; I set out certain goals for myself this term, but did not accomplish them all. I wanted to get back on a firm workout schedule where I went to the gym at least 3 times a week but I didn't. I feel like work or doing homework always took priority, but I'm sure I could have made time. As far as my goals for spiritual growth this term, I found a church but did not go back because I didn't think that particular church was a fit for me. Lastly, I am torn about whether or not I achieved my goal psychologically. I didn't not reach would I would call my "psychological well-being" but I did make some personal progress in that area. I was experiencing quite a bit of anxiety and stress before this class and this course helped be seek the help I needed for that, but it will be a work in progress. I still intended to take yoga classes.