Thursday, November 27, 2014

Meeting Aesclepius Exercise

This meditation was kind of difficult at the beginning. I had a hard time to imaging a person that suppose to be my teacher. Then I decided that I would meet my Higher-Self. I saw a figure of light that was in front of me. When directions suggested doing communion, I saw how our auras began to connect together. When we had to connect our crown, throat, and heart chakras, I saw that our chakras was in the form of lotus and from the lotus, the light was so bright that our lights were blended together.
I felt burning sensation on my skin at the heart area. At the end of the meditation, me and my Higher-Self merged together. I did not feel that I became wiser or felt any other differences, as directed; instead I felt energy in my body. When meditation was over, I jus sat there in the trance. I saw my friend who did not feel well and I tried to heal her with my light and with help of her guardians.

Lessen the meditation here: Meeting Aesclepius

The mindfulness meditations that I was practicing helped me to open a door to my consciousness and inner wisdom. I will continue to use them to get more knowledge and to connect to Akashi records.


The phrase "One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself" by Elliot Dacher means that person that have knowledge of the integral approach, but never practiced himself, will not be a good teacher or healer. The most successful teachers are people who went though illness or spiritual development themselves. The health and wellness professionals should not only be knowledgeable on the topic of integral medicine, but practicing and developing their spiritual, mental and physical aspects also. Compassion to others, share knowledge and experiences should be the one of the many personal characteristics of health and wellness professionals.



Unknown said...

Interesting idea to use your higher self! Do you find a need to search out a spiritual guide or do you prefer exploring on your own? I liked the way you explained the meditation, it was clear and easy for me to visualize your experience.

Dawn Brommer said...

Reisha, I enjoyed reading your blog. It was interesting how you were sitting in a trance at the end of it. I was too. These types of visualizations can really help each of us grow. I enjoyed reading the quote from Swami Vivekananda, There is no other teacher but your own soul! Thank you for sharing. Dawn

Unknown said...

Good evening Risha,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts in your blog posting. I found the Aesclepius exercise intriguing and beneficial to connecting with a higher level of consciousness while embracing inner peace. I enjoyed the visualization of positive thoughts and past loved ones such as my deceased nana but I must admit in the beginning it was challenging thinking about my past loved ones being deceased but after that sad moment I realized it was ultimately a great experience to be able to go back in past time of memories and visualize all the good and positive times I had with my nana; I enjoyed the imagery and connecting with my inner being, spirit and soul. I must agree with you it does kind of put you in a trance but I was in a good trance and a good state of mind. I also enjoyed this particular exercise because it allowed me remember the love my nana gave me and how compassionate she was with me. I did enjoy the very beginning of the exercise thinking about a man/loved one which was my fiancé and I thought of how much I loved him. This exercise seems to give off a love and kindness affect while being calm-abiding. I wish you had a better experience with it as I did. I wish you the best. Insightful blog post, have a great night!

Unknown said...

Hi Renata:

Your meditation exercise sounds a little intimidating! How did you feel when you felt the "burning sensation" around your heart area? Will you incorporate this exercise daily?

I attended the funeral of a really good friend yesterday. He was 49 years young and died of a massive heart attack. I really so glad this class has taught us how to retrain not our only our minds by our overall well being (including diet) so that nor our patients will be a sad statistic.

Thanks for sharing.


RC said...

Gayle, I said that sensation of burning was on the top of the skin, not at my heart organ. If you feel pain inside of your body during meditation, it is a good time to talk to the organ or to the pain and find the cause. The answer could be an image or thought. Breath trough the place that in pain, it helps to bring cosmic/divine energy to the weak area that need attention.

Unknown said...

You seem to have a great grasp of the use of these mindfulness practices. I have a problem with the ones that use light as a connection to something else - there tends to be explosions in my mind. Instead I like the idea of using the meditation time to create links to the past where there has been a transfer of information, but at the time I was unable to use.

Unknown said...

Hi RC! I loved your post this week, what a great idea to visualize your higher self, even if I didnt have a person to key in on, I dont think I would have chosen myself. I love how you connect all of your physical feelings with your exercises and mindfulness gaining. When I finished meditating, I have to agree with you here, I too felt like I was above the reality of that point in time. But once again great post RC, loved it!

Unknown said...

The visualization you are able to achieve in your meditation sessions amazes me. Perhaps I am simply not that creative, or have more of a closed mind than you when practicing these exercises. It probably doesn't help that I have much less experience and have only done sessions like these twice before, but those both were for pure relaxation instead of mental development. I think I remember you saying in one of your previous blogs that you have been practicing and studying meditation and all this for years. I respect that because, quite honestly, I don't believe that I have to the patience for it all! Haha

L Lautz said...

I also had a hard time imagining a Teacher to visualize. Good idea imagining your higher self. I've done this in the past as well. I also am having a hard time having the patience for all of this. If I was taking this class 10 yrs ago, before I had kids, I would have all the time in the world to focus on this, because I really want to. But I'm having a hard time devoting myself the way I want to to these exercises! It's so frustrating.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your post RC. I must say your pictures were interesting as well. I was drawn in. The meditation was a little difficult for me too so I understand where you are coming from. However I am happy that you got something out of the exercise. I also agree that professionals should lead by example. Not working in the healthcare field it is kind of hard trying to explain the phrase compared to lessons on a daily basis, but I get what you are saying. Good job.