Friday, November 21, 2014

Integral Assesment

I made a picture, that above, and meditated on it. What I saw and understood that I  began development from point zero in the spiral way. Every main point in my life was a learning way to understand psycho-spiritual, biological, interpersonal, and worldly aspects. Most lessons were painful and I had to go thought them to understand or discover feelings, control or let go, and were pushed to look for more answers.


When I understood a two dimensional picture of my development, the picture turned to three/four dimensional with different colors, thicknesses, and speed. It was so beautiful and it is difficult to explain it now. From my meditation journey, I understood that my development does not need any special attention to one particular aspect. Everything going as planned. To continue my development I am definitely will use Subtle Mind meditation to get more answers.  


Unknown said...

Hi Renata:

How did you find the loving-kindness exercise? I did not find it very useful.

I was looking at your graphic and saw the various stars going in a spiral. Where specifically did you want to focus your area of growth and development? Was it the interpersonal?


Unknown said...

This idea of having a picture to explain the development of pyschospiritul development is brilliant!! There are so many thing that we need to go through both painful and not that without these experiences we would not be able to gain the wisdom needed to expand and explore the hidden parts of our minds.

RC said...

Hi Gayle,
For my assessment exercise I do not need any special attentions of growth and development. I just have to follow my intuition. The Universal Loving-Kindness meditation went well, I kind of was surprised because previous one I didn't liked it.

Unknown said...

I like that you incorporated a picture, so much easier than explaining. I found the assessment helpful and I do need to focus some attention on my psychospiritual health. Interesting about the loving kindness mediation, I preferred the last one that was more guided. I guess that shows how different everyone is!

L Lautz said...

I plan on doing this assessment again tonight when I can really focus and meditate on it. It's very difficult to do right now with my kids around! But I think it would help if I too looked at the visual of the quadrants as I meditate, because that helps me a lot.

Unknown said...

I love how you incorporated visuals with your blog. It's neat to see the way you're thinking when you are going through the meditation sessions. I also found that there was no one area of my life that stood out as needing attention or intense improvement. I am happy spiritually and mentally. As far as physically, I love the journey I am on and I work harder towards my goals everyday. You have to love the process to a certain degree for the results to be worth it!

Unknown said...

I think it is wonderful that you have taken some painful lessons and come through motivated to look for more answers. I think that it is important to analyze what we learn about ourselves while we search for answers and not just focus on the answers themselves.

Unknown said...

Hi Erica,
wow I love the way you fixed your blog spot, I have been trying to figure out how to make my blog spot pretty.I tried the exererise but i had a little hard time.

Unknown said...

Hi Renata! I enjoyed your blog post this week and I find it great how real you are with your responses to the questions and how they realistically affect you. A lot of time in life, its hard for us to talk about the things that are hard or difficult for us. However, talking about these things and acknowledging their effect on you is essential to spiritual growth and flourishing. Facing our challenges and embracing our faults are incredibly important for good health and healing. Once again, great post and I look forward to reading more from you!

The Adventurous Gypsy said...

Hello Renata,
The chart is a great idea. It visualizes the areas and how they all flow into one another. I agree that this exercise is more painful than any of the others. I find myself wanting to rid as much negativity as possible to cleanse my system of the poison that exists within our daily lives. Letting go through the process of practice is my new goal. the older I get, the more intense I become. Sometimes I get some looks of 'Wow' from people and they just don't know what to say. Keep being real. That's a good feeling. Tammy

Unknown said...

Hi Risha. There are some very awful experiences people have to go through in order to either learn or keep repeating until they fully understand themselves as to why they can't keep repeating these experiences. Awesome!