Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Universal Living-Kindness Meditation

Close your eyes and for a minute or two rest into the natural ease of your mind and body, and repeat the following phrases for 10 minutes.

May all individuals gain freedom from suffering.
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering.
May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.

My Experience

I recorded 10 minute long an ocean sound on my cellphone and the same time read phrases with intervals. In the beginning of the meditation, phrases were comes out flat without feelings. Then, I tried to use heart chakra to sent love waves from heart. Later I realized, it is not about me and my feeling of love, it about universal love and I will be the tool to transmitting that love. Then, I saw and felt the heaviness from the light go into my crown chakra to my body. My body became hot, I felt energy floating inside my body and the "love energy" illuminated from me to surrounding space, like water ripples. It was new and interesting experience for me. When the recording was over, I needed a few minutes to close my crown chakra, but I couldn't close completely because light was so dense and strong, it is still pouring into me.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good evening Renata,
Insightful blog post. Integral health does not require that individual’s develop fully in every way because individual’s have different needs throughout their life cycle with varying life circumstances and different destinies. It is a good idea when lines of development are being created to ask self what lines of development is most essential for them at that time. Individuals should also ask themselves what is their current level of development and what should they aim for? Individual’s can explore these questions over several days in order to figure out these questions then the individual should shift from a focus on healing to a focus on promoting integral development. Have a great day!


Dacher, E. S. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach: Basic Health Publications, Inc.