Saturday, November 15, 2014

Subtle Mind Meditation


My Experience
The first time I did the meditation was after work and I felt sleepy and tired. If I did this meditation lie down, I would fall asleep. I was drifting my attention from breath to thoughts and back. Than I was thinking what the instruction was, I didn't remember, and my images were so real.
The second time I did the following morning. This time I did not have any thoughts or images, I was anchored to my breathing and water sound. I got an understanding of Eastern teachings while have my mind still. Actually, I do this kind of meditation every night before sleep. I put my hands on the chest and listen and same time feeling my breath. It helps to stop mental activity and bring me to the present moment. For me, it likes a switch that helps me to turn off my brain.  
By comparing the Subtle Mind exercise to Loving-Kindness meditation, one is promoting imagination and Subtle Mind is eliminating any images and thoughts. The point of Loving-Kindness is to use energy to activate chakras. The point of Subtle Mind meditation is to stop any mental activity.


Unknown said...

Good evening Renata,
I enjoyed your blog post.I found the loving-kindness experience to be very beneficial to relaxing my mental state; the subtle practice was also a great mental experience that focused more on breathing and placed focus on the rising and falling of the chest and the breathing cycle of the movement of the breath by breathing out of the nostril and by taking inhalation and exhalation.The love and kindness was a mental workout that enhances the passion of others and the water sound was very soothing and rejuvenating which allowed me to calm and open my mind to become more affectionate with my loved ones. I enjoyed both practices and will continue to incorporate both exercises at least 15-30 minutes daily in order to maintain inner peace. Have a wonderful week!


Unknown said...

Hi RC, wonderful post! I definitely agree that the Love and Kindness exercise pushed more towards imagining the love and connection while the Subtle mind was technique used to promote more calming effects. They seem quite different to me and they each had a different impact on my physical, mental and emotional wellness. Once again great post RC, looking forward to reading more in the future!