Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mental Workout

We wish to be happier but always think negative thoughts, what was happened or may happen. We always waiting for something to get wrong and this makes our brain and the body to be in constant stress. Solution is simple, we have to train our brain to think positively and have nice thoughts. We train our body to run or lift weights to the limits of the body's ability, but brains have an unlimited capability for development and nobody knows how far it can reach. Inner development is linked to consciousness and health. Training mental states leads to the activation of the prefrontal cortex, which correlates with positive emotions. Positive emotions help to develop a healthy inner life that positively affects the immune system and the overall body's health.


Unknown said...

Good morning Renata,

I loved reading your post and I totally agree with you that individuals train and condition their body to workout why not train the most important thing in our body the brain? It is important to stay positive with thoughts because it does lead to stress and the release of stressors in the body that can be detrimental to individuals health and well-being. It is challenging for me sometimes to remain positive because certain situations can be depressing, aggravating and stressful and I tend to act on emotions and not think of the detriments until later; but my body talks to me when I get at a dis-eased state such as abdominal pain, sometimes it can make my menstrual cycle irregular, I tend to get headaches and become fatigued. As I get older my body reacts differently to stress than it did before when I was younger and I now have to be cautious with my thoughts and moods and train my mind to think positive at all times and know that I can't control anything or anybody but myself so I do not worry about things that are out of my control. I still have moments where I have to really take some deep breaths and go meditate in order to maintain positive energy but I also will incorporate loving-kindness and send out positive energies to negative people and continue to mentally workout. Have a wonderful week!


Unknown said...
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RC said...

Hello Zaconia. I agree with you that our bodies are smart organisms and I am glad that you can listen your body. The next step, like you said, would be mental workout on positive thoughts. I think that mental traing should begin in childhood when we beging to experiencie negative feelings. Maybe generations after us would be spiritually "smarter".

L Lautz said...

It is so true that the mind's positive or negative state can and does affect the rest of our being. I am really starting to see the correlation now with the mind, body, spirit connection. I really like this meditation, it's helping me a lot. Laura

The Adventurous Gypsy said...

It is true that the limitations are endless when it come to the mind. The ability to enforce or push the mind to know the difference is the challenge. Meditation is new to me but I am feeling like this is something I need to incorporate into my life. The exercise this week was boring me. I could not find a way to get into the process of the exercise. I stuck it out til the end but was hoping it improved but it just bored me. How about you?

Unknown said...

Hi RC, I enjoyed this post very much and all the illustrations you included with your text. You made a very valid point here, almost all humans on earth all with to be happier in some shape or form and a lot of people are oblivious to the control our mind plays on this ultimately happening. Keeping positive and trying different ways to increase mind strength is one of those things that is great for making life better but very few people actually engage in mental workouts to try and reach this equilibrium. Once gain great post and I look forward to reading more by you!