Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Optimal Well-Being

The optimal well-being is never end and there is always room for grow. I rated my physical well-being 9 out of 10 because I have an ideal body weight and my body free of the diseases. I treat my body with kindness and respect. For example, I am slowly transitioned to vegan food and someday, I plan to be a frugivore. It is mean that I try give my body more energy by saving on cooking, chewing, and digesting. If illness comes, my body will have energy to fight the pathogens. I do yoga like exercises. For example, the exercise I use is from the book Peter Calder, "Eye of the Rebirth" because I want my body to be strong and not over exhausted by gym like exercises. I established a routing to go to sleep by 10:30pm. It will help my body get a good rest and have an afternoon energy. Also, I do not eat after 9pm (I can drink a hot tea if I am really hungry) because it will help the body to fall asleep fast. Plus, it saves an energy on digesting junk food and extra energy will work as a healer to help the body to reconstruct from day stress.

I rated my spiritual well-being 7 out of 10 because I still can get angry and upset on some situations or people. Most of the time, I am aware of my emotions and use neutral position to every situation. It is hard to be neutral to my child's behavior sometimes, and maybe he needs to see that mommy is angry of what he done and it is not acceptable. For my spirituality development I use 10 commandments as my guides. Also, the Bible lists sins that are vital for the soul and the body. Here is a complete list of sins: Sin list from Holy Bible. To become more spiritual I try to follow human, nature and cosmic laws. Basically, it is moral and ethic codes, cause-and-effects, and energy connection.

I rated my psychological well-being 8 out of 10 because I am still working to control my mind and emotions. I use mind based practices, such as meditation, relaxation, and breathing, which help me to deal with everyday stress. I use relaxation exercise every night and two weeks ago I achieved, for the first time on my own, on what I was working for. I use emotional intelligence to deal with emotions because I am in control of them, but not opposite. Also, I use my mind to create situations with outcome I needed. For example, if I need to see somebody, the situation would lead to the meeting with the person I want to see, I need only 10 minute of mind work and the result would be there. I "accidently" practiced on my husband when he was angry; the result was so surprising to me that I almost fell from the chair. It is, probably impossible, to achieve full psychological and spiritual states by living in sin society.

My Goals
Physical- I would like to learn how to do self-massage and incorporate into my routines. Do not forget to do stretching exercises at my job. Drink more water and go back to eat one cooked meal a day.
Spiritual- keep do what I am already doing. Be aware of the ego more because positive comments and criticism can feed the ego.
Psychological- continue to work on meditation techniques to connect to Akashi records. Would like to achieve astral projection and have control dreams (lucid dreams). 
To achieve my goals, first, I have to do more research and make a list of self-massage techniques. I need to incorporate those techniques in the morning and evening. I should bring a fresh salad to lunch and dinner would be cooked vegetables. I need to buy bigger and brighter mug that I can bring to work with a filtered water in it. Second, my spiritual aspect does not need any extra activities. And the third, for my meditation I would use "Golden Light" exercise in my spear time.  


Dawn Brommer said...

Good Morning! I really enjoyed reading your blog. I'm inspired by how you took care of your body over all the years. I believe that I put my body on the back burner for several years while I over worked to try to fill a hole of sadness from my childhood. Not any more! I enjoyed reading your strategies about preparing healthy food in advance. I'm going to continue to strive to build nutrition into my life and encourage my clients to do the same. Have you read the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0? It gave me a lot of good ideas on how to handle "emotional hijackings" with all sorts of people. Check it out! Have a great week. Dawn

RC said...

Yes, I read the book “Emotional Intelligence”. I am so sorry to hear that you had a sad childhood. But I am glad that you know the cause of your problems now. I would suggest you to do regression hypnosis and go back to your childhood; it may help you to dissolve blocks from the past. Also, read or listen books of Eckhart Tolle, you can get at the public library. Read Ayurveda, about doshas. Find information on color therapy and combine with your dosha for your diet. Work on your emotions, one emotion at the time. I am sure, you know many techniques already just find one that feels right and repetitively follow no matter what.
Whish you the best!

Unknown said...

Good afternoon Renata,
It is very important to maintain health and well-being in order to sustain life. Without health one can not live. I found my psychological, physical and spiritual health to range from 8-10 with 10 being the highest. I feel that I maintain a healthy lifestyle by mediating, training my mind to think happy thoughts and have self-control. I contribute in aerobic and anaerobic exercise on a daily basis, I consume nutrient-dense foods regularly, meditate, deep breathe, yoga and incorporate silence and stillness and use botanical supplements as some healing methods to illness. I feel that there is always room for growth and improvement because no one is perfect but we can always strive for greatness. There is always something to be learned and taught in order to sustain life mentally, physically and spiritually. Thanks for sharing your life experiences I really enjoy reading your blogs, have a great day.

Heather said...

I absolutely love your blog! Thank you for personalizing it like you do. It makes it very exciting to read. Hopefully I can get this savvy soon. I have not heard of a frugivore, that is interesting i will have to read more about that. I also read Emotional Intelligence and what a great book with so much insight. I don't think people realize there is that many layers to human beings!

Unknown said...

Great post! I've never heard of frugivore, but that is something I will definitely have to look into. I've recently transitioned into an organic sugar free diet and its completely changed how I feel. So I'd love to push that even further.

I like how you seem to mix traditional Christianity with spirituality. Most people that I know either believe one exclusively but you seem to have a good balance of both.
