Saturday, November 1, 2014

Rainbow Meditation

Listen the Rainbow Meditation here: "Rainbow Meditation"

This meditation is introducing the chakras and gives briefly explanation of their meaning. Instructions are simple and easy to follow.

My personal experience
I was sitting on the chair, relaxed and was breathing slowly. My breathing became so relaxed that I almost stop to inhale. I felt so lazy to breath. When instructions began, I was sending lights through top of my head. The certain color of light would stop in matching color levels of my body and fill the section of my body with that particular light. Just like on the image. I refuse to repeat words because I do not want to be "brain wash" with affirmations. At the end when instructor said "you don't feel fatigue" I start to fell bad because brain in relax state do not understand DON'T. Overall, the meditation was relaxing and imaginative.
The other way to activate chakras


Unknown said...

Hi Ranata:

I can see that you completed the relaxation exercise for this week and the animation on the youtube video you provided a link to, reminded me of the different colors that the exercise "Crime of the Century" talked about. For me the color orange was the one I identified with because it centered around feelings of being confident and self worthy.

Did you complete the reflection exercise?


RC said...

Hi Gayle,
Yes, I completed the Rainbow meditation for this week. The video is just an example that there so many different techniques available to activate your chakras. Some people may find the "Rainbow Meditation" to informative or annoying. For me, it was too simple, so I did my way. What the reflection exercise are you talking about?

Unknown said...

Hi Renata,

Your blog post is very informative. It is interesting that chakra meditations use mudras and sounds to open chakras which are special hand positions. The mudras have the power to send more vital energy to each particular chakra giving an individual energy and allowing balance within their body to sustain health and well-being. In order to enhance the effects of energy sounds are chanted and these particular sounds are from Sanskrit letters; when chanting begins they cause a resonation in the body that individuals can feel. There are several chakras such as the root chakra that focuses between the anus and genitals, sacral chakra that concentrate on the sacral bone on the lower back, navel chakra that concentrates on the navel located on the spine right above the navel, heart chakra that focus on the heart at the spine that levels with the heart; throat chakra that focus on the base of the throat, the third eye chakra that focuses on the chakra above the point between the eyebrows and the crown chakra that concentrate on the top of the individuals head but it is important not to use meditation for this particular chakra if an individual do not have a strong root chakra because a strong foundation is needed first. Focusing on chakras can be rewarding and beneficial to individuals health by implementing rejuvenation and balance within the mind, body and spirit. Have a great day!