Saturday, April 9, 2016

Organic vs. Conventional Food

Organic (Green) vs. Conventional Food (Black)

I went to the local Giant grocery store in Fredericksburg, Virginia, to find organic food. I walked by the apple sections and did not see organic apples. Then I went to the potatoes and fresh vegetable section and missed organic potatoes and vegetables also. I found organic products in the salad section with out help. There was an employee who was stocking shelves with fresh fruits, and I asked him about organic food. He told me that they do have a small selection of organic fruits and vegetables, and he showed where they were. It was a little challenging to me to find an organic selection of fresh fruits and vegetables initially, but now I know where to look.  
Labeling Organic 
Organic food was labeled with a USDA seal to show that it is certified as an organic and the packages had an "organic" sticker on them.
Explanation the Cost Difference
Differences between organic and conventional food costs are significant. Thee are several reasons for the price disparity. First, organic farming often uses more "elbow grease", and human labor costs more than mechanical labor. Another reason for the price disparity, as stated in Nutrition and Health Eating article from Mayo Clinic, is that natural fertilizer can be more expensive that chemical fertilizer, and more difficult to transport (manure, for example) than conventional farming.
In article Organic Not Necessary Better for You from News Discovery sais that nutritional value comparison of organic and non-organic foods did not reveal significant differences. Organic fruits and vegetables have higher level of phosphorus and antioxidant than non-organic products. But in the book Get Smart an author Heller stated that antioxidants are very important nutrients because they help protect the cells and neurons in the brain and the rest of the body. As a nutritionist, I would be concerned about how much pesticides are absorbed by fruits and vegetables, which we a consume. I would suggest to use the "dirty dozen" list to guide purchases of fruits and vegetables.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Summary of 10 Weeks Eperience

By looking back at my personal assessment when I gave scores to my psychological (8), physical (9), and spiritual (7) well-being, I would say that my score for physical aspect went down to 6 or 7. It changed because during the winter time my body experienced minor colds, I stopped exercising regularly, eat fresh fruits, and I am dehydrated my body up too 45% only. Due to these changes I feel lazy, sometimes experience strange symptoms (I am in the process to find the cause), and my stool consistency has changed.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Creating Wellness

When we started to live in digital age, humanity felt depressed, disconnected, and unhappy. New diseases began to accrue in the population. New medicine were developed but healing was achieved only temporarily. Many scientists, doctors, and ill people were looking for answers of how to achieve health and gain happiness. The answers for healing and happiness were in Eastern and Far Eastern cultures that were developed and implemented over millions of years. Now we are trying to adapt a new holistic approach into the modern healthcare system. The healthcare system began to recognize the importance of the healing not only the physical body, but also the spiritual and psychological aspects of the body.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Future Mental & Spiritual Development

Different meditations are unique and it depends on what you want to achieve. What do you need to improve or heal today? If I am feeling sick or my energy is low, I would use Subtle Mind or chakra meditations. If I feel happy, I may use Universal Loving-Kindness meditation. My goals for "mental fitness" are quite my mind, use visual thinking often, and connect to Akashic records.

To quit my mind, I will eliminate controllable noises, such as house and car music, find quieter places outside, and use noise blocking headphone at work. Once, maybe a year ago, I had silent mind for 10 minutes at my job (people were talking and music was played). I realized it soon after I began think again, that my mental activity was still, only nice melody played in my mind.

To achieve visualize thinking; we have to stop mental chattering. I never had problems with visualization, but if somebody experience difficulties they should begin to develop artistic abilities, like drawing, sculpturing, and maybe photography. You have to see the final product before you begin to work on your masterpiece. Look at different arts, pictures, and learn colors. Visualize thinking saves a lot of mental energy, it is like getting answers in zip file with feelings.

My big wish is to connect to Akshic records, but not suddenly. Everybody can accesses the information in Akashic records, but only limited people who can control the access. I will use Golden Light meditation to achieve my goal.  

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Meeting Aesclepius Exercise

This meditation was kind of difficult at the beginning. I had a hard time to imaging a person that suppose to be my teacher. Then I decided that I would meet my Higher-Self. I saw a figure of light that was in front of me. When directions suggested doing communion, I saw how our auras began to connect together. When we had to connect our crown, throat, and heart chakras, I saw that our chakras was in the form of lotus and from the lotus, the light was so bright that our lights were blended together.
I felt burning sensation on my skin at the heart area. At the end of the meditation, me and my Higher-Self merged together. I did not feel that I became wiser or felt any other differences, as directed; instead I felt energy in my body. When meditation was over, I jus sat there in the trance. I saw my friend who did not feel well and I tried to heal her with my light and with help of her guardians.

Lessen the meditation here: Meeting Aesclepius

The mindfulness meditations that I was practicing helped me to open a door to my consciousness and inner wisdom. I will continue to use them to get more knowledge and to connect to Akashi records.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Integral Assesment

I made a picture, that above, and meditated on it. What I saw and understood that I  began development from point zero in the spiral way. Every main point in my life was a learning way to understand psycho-spiritual, biological, interpersonal, and worldly aspects. Most lessons were painful and I had to go thought them to understand or discover feelings, control or let go, and were pushed to look for more answers.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Universal Living-Kindness Meditation

Close your eyes and for a minute or two rest into the natural ease of your mind and body, and repeat the following phrases for 10 minutes.

May all individuals gain freedom from suffering.
May all individuals find sustained health, happiness, and wholeness.
May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering.
May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.

My Experience

I recorded 10 minute long an ocean sound on my cellphone and the same time read phrases with intervals. In the beginning of the meditation, phrases were comes out flat without feelings. Then, I tried to use heart chakra to sent love waves from heart. Later I realized, it is not about me and my feeling of love, it about universal love and I will be the tool to transmitting that love. Then, I saw and felt the heaviness from the light go into my crown chakra to my body. My body became hot, I felt energy floating inside my body and the "love energy" illuminated from me to surrounding space, like water ripples. It was new and interesting experience for me. When the recording was over, I needed a few minutes to close my crown chakra, but I couldn't close completely because light was so dense and strong, it is still pouring into me.